fruit plantations


3-5 foliar treatments

Orgalife is diluted with water. If treated with a back pump, add 1/2 liter of Orgalajf to 10 liters of water. If treated with a sprayer, apply 10-20 liters of Orgalife per hectare. The number of treatments and quantities of Orgalife depends on the variety and age of the fruit and the quality of the seed.

It is important to apply the recommended amount of Orgalife. The amount of water depends on how much water the pump uses to spray one hectare.

Based on our good practice, we recommend the following treatments with Orgalife

First application: 10 liters/ hectare

In the fall, after harvesting the fruit (while still there is a green leaf mass)

With this application, plants shall be able to more easily deal with extremely low temperatures and shall be ready in spring for larger and healthier yields.

Second application: 10 liters/ hectare

  • In the spring.

Third application: 10 liters/ hectare

  • After the formation of the fruit set (the first signs of fruits), to keep the fruit set.

Fourth application: 20 liters/ hectare

  • In fruiting, for large and uniform fruits.

Fifth application: 20 liters/ hectare

  • During fruiting, for large and uniform fruits, 20 liters/ hectare.


1-2 treatments with 20-30 liters/ hectare


Fruit plantations treated with Orgalajf have very vigorous flowering, large and uniform fruits with pleasant colors and a very pleasant smell and taste. After harvesting, the fruits stay fresh for a long time and tolerate transportation well. Harvesting occurs earlier in 7-15 days compared to plants treated with chemical fertilizers. Plants produce their first crop one year earlier than plants treated with chemical fertilizers. Vitamin “C” increases 2-7 times in fruits (5 times in apples, 7 times in pears), which helps to increase the immunity and resistance of plants to various diseases, drought, frost, and heat shocks. Insect infestations on plants are decreasing. Microorganisms in Orgalife fertilizer improve the structure of the soil and regulate the water-air regime.

We recommend:

After pruning, the branches should be mulched (and left on the soil) Then treated with Orgalife, and then shallowly plowed or milled.

Microbiological flora, indeed a huge number of beneficial microorganisms and mature humus forms the basis for planning a good, healthy, and high-quality crop.